About US
Namaskaram and Welcome to AK Aveksha!
We are a family-owned Ayurvedic business established in 2017.
Our Mission is to Revive Ancient Healing Traditions by providing wholesome, high-quality, natural pain-soothing products and integrative wellness services rooted in over 10,000 years of indigenous Ayurveda and Siddha systems of medicine.
Our Foundational Values:
1. Be Radically Patient Forward
2. Nourish the Self
3. Serve Wholeness and Excellence
Our newest topical pain reliever Prasaada is a powerful combination of eleven healing herbs that work synergistically to target localized pains. In addition, Prasaada is packaged in our unique Dexterity Forward Cube (DFC) containers custom designed and handmade in Bali, Indonesia, to be easier to grip and open for those with mobility and dexterity limitations.
Our Name
Aveksha is a Samskrita word for “care and consideration”. The AK stands for Aalayam Karunaalayam – “the Supreme Abode of Compassion”. The earliest contexts for this phrase are accredited to the great sage and scholar Adi Shankaracharya in the early 8th century. This Swami embarked on a journey to elevate consciousness, institute widely accessible technologies for self-development, and create lasting structures of harmony that still resonate vibrantly today!
At AK Aveksha, we are continuing this quest to establish compassion in all places. It starts with the self and with love.

Our Methods
Ayurveda – One of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive medicinal systems. Rooted in Consciousness, Ayurvedic literature compiled as far back as 3,000 – 5,000 BCE contains a wealth of knowledge on various aspects of the health sciences and herbal pharmacology. Ayurveda is best known for its origins in the Indian subcontinent but is now widely practiced throughout the world!
One of the great Acharyas of Ayurveda – Maharishi Sushruta is considered to be the Father of Modern Surgery. He thoroughly documented ancient ways of surgery, cosmetic alterations, and aspects of anatomy still in use today.
Siddha – The oldest system of medicine in the world that is still practiced today. The Siddha system originated in the mountains and forests of Tamil Nadu, India, where its practitioners (Siddhas) are famous for seemingly mystical healing powers. The human potential is incredible, and our Siddhas are a testament to the capabilities we all hold within us. The Siddha system of medicine is similar to Ayurveda, but has more emphasis on the Sukshma, or subtle aspects of health and wellbeing.
“If it wasn’t for AK Aveksha’s pure dedication to helping people, I wouldn’t have such an effective medicine for my pain.”
Our Story
Our mission began in 2016 to help those around us find safe and natural pain relief alternatives to opioids, steroids, and NSAIDs. At the time, our founder was a full-time student at American University, taking 19 credit semesters and working two part-time jobs while formulating products from herbs grown at home in Washington, DC.
By 2017, we had trialed various topical and ingestible formulas with hundreds of people suffering from chronic pain, which led us to launch AK Aveksha officially. From 2018 – 2022, our founder pursued his MS in Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine to gain a better foundational understanding of product formulations and herbal medicine.
In 2022, we were accepted into the American University Small Business Incubator, upgraded our manufacturing lab, spoke at several industry science conferences, onboarded an executive team, established a medical board, and conducted focus groups for Prasaada™ – our new topical pain reliever. This product is the result of four years of research, trials, and customer feedback. It is packaged in our custom Dexterity Forward Cube (DFC)™ Containers hand made with love in Bali, Indonesia.

Our Founder
Adhithyan R. Krishnan is a Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician and Practitioner) stationed in central Massachusetts. Born and brought up in the U.S., he is intimately familiar with the daily socio-economic, diet, and lifestyle considerations faced by people here. His goal is to spread authentic Vedic Sciences to enrich the lives of people all over the world.
Outside of Vedic studies, he is an avid martial artist (Silambam, Adi Murai, Shaolin, Kempo, Karate, Wing Chun, MMA), music enthusiast (Mridangam, Flute – Carnatic and Native American), agriculturist, and vegetarian food connoisseur.
Training Doctor – Ayurvedic Research and Training Institute (ARTI) at Svasthyakshetram Ayurvedic Health Care Center, Nallepilly, Kerala – (Current)
MS Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine – Maharishi International University (2018 – 2021)
BS Business Administration, Marketing & Entrepreneurship – American University (2014 – 2017)
How Our DFC Containers are Made
Emem's Experience with AK Aveksha
A deep honest look into Emem’s Healing Journey with AK Aveksha. We appreciate her courage and willingness to share!
Huge shoutout to Emem for supporting and beleiving in us since day one =)
Sneak Peek at Prasaada - Our New Topical
James Tries Prasaada for the First Time on Broken Pinky
Questions? Reach Out!
We love to hear from you! Please contact us anytime via phone, email, or text to discuss any questions and concerns, or to set up a consultation to help us better understand your needs.